Celeste Zambrano

World Wish Day Chile

I am streaming to support Make-A-Wish

Wishes bring hope and magic to children living with critical illnesses while providing real mental and physical health benefits. I am supporting Make-A-Wish International and streaming for wishes around the world.


My Achievements

Created Fundraising Page

Sent a fundraising email

Shared page

Self donated

Thanked Donor

Increased Fundraising Target

Reached 50% of goal

Reached 100% of goal

My Updates

Ayudemos a cumplir un deseo!

Sunday 17th Apr
Hola! Soy Tete, estoy muy contenta de poder participar en este evento por una causa tan bonita. De verdad estaré muy agradecida de contar compañía y tu ayuda para poner un granito más en esta causa. 
Te espero en stream!